Elementary participating in Hat day for 4H week.

Frontier Mustang gear makes great gifts, and it's never to early to shop for Christmas! Click this link to buy yours now:

Today is the first day students can complete their FASFA application! This application allows students to file for grants, work study, and student loans. Mrs. Golay will be available during Parent Teacher Conferences (Oct. 12, 3:30-7:30) to assist students and parents who may have questions.

The State Department of Education is providing a FREE ACT Test to all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. We will give this test next Tuesday, Oct. 5 and will begin promptly during 1st hour. Please contact Mrs. Kathy Golay is you have any questions.

Next week, October 4-8, is National 4-H week. Support our Frontier 4-H Club in celebrating how you can "Find Your Spark in 4-H!"

September 30th is Orange Shirt Day, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Canada) and the National Day of Remembrance for U.S. Indian Boarding Schools (United States). All of these days of honor and remembrance began with Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is an Indigenous-led, grassroots commemorative day honouring residential school survivors and victims. Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) Residential School (1891-1981) Commemoration Project in Canada. Former student Phyllis (Jack) Webstad told her story of her first day at residential school when her shiny new orange shirt, bought by her grandmother, was taken from her as a six-year old girl. Today at Frontier, the flag is being flown at half staff and a 67-second moment of silence was observed to honor the students from Chilocco Indian School who did not make it home.

Please use 723-4360 as our primary phone number while 723-4361 is being serviced. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Elementary Awards

Elementary Awards

Mustang Awards continued

Elementary Mustang Monthly Awards

The Frontier Lady Mustangs will play tomorrow at noon in Binger. They will face off against the winner of the Binger/Ringling game.

Wee Care did a great job at picture day today!

Our Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon! It will be in the Frontier Public School Library, October 4-8, Monday through Friday. Daily hours will be 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Due to Covid-related issues, the onsite Book Fair will be for students and staff only; however, there is a Virtual Book Fair available to everyone: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/frontierok
Books bring us joy, laughter, memories, adventure and joy!

Frontier students sent off the High School Softball team on their way to regionals!

Don't forget! Tomorrow is picture day!

Flu Shots at Frontier School...Thursday September 30. Please see attached consent forms. Fill out the appropriate form and bring it to the flu clinic. Pawnee Indian Health Center will administer flu vaccines to anyone with an active chart or CDIB. BCBS Caring Van will administer flu vaccines to anyone with SoonerCare, other insurance, or no insurance. **Please wear a loose-fitting shirt for the shot in the upper arm. ----- https://5il.co/znr2

Softball Regionals have been moved to Wednesday, Sept. 29. The bracket and times will stay the same, but play has been moved up one day.

Frontier Choir performed at the great State Fair of Oklahoma today!

Be sure to tune in to watch our Frontier baseball team as they compete in the district finals. Happening NOW on frontiermustangs.tv